Why be counted?

Among other reasons, it brings your tax dollars back to your neighborhood.


What all does the Census impact?

Who represents you at all levels of Government.

The Census helps Government determine how many representatives each state has in Congress and inform the redrawing of congressional district boundaries. It also determines how the State apportions representatives in state government, and how your council districts are drawn at a local level.

How long it takes you to get to work.

Data from the Census is integral to how our city designs roadways and accounts for how many people need to move across our community. Did you know that between the 2010 Census and the 2020 Census it is estimated that Lexington added over 11,000 addresses? Counting these addresses in 2020 will help the city plan more helpful and efficient traffic flow.

How healthy and safe your community is.

The Census helps the federal government decide where to locate resources for food assistance, with the goal of ensuring everyone can access a healthy meal. The Census helps hospitals and doctors’ offices decide where to locate as they try to reach all corners of the city. It also helps the City of Lexington plan where to put new Fire Stations and plan how many police officers it needs to hire.

The size of your child’s classroom.

Fayette County Public Schools and the Fayette County School Board determine where to locate new schools and how to draw school districts based on where people live across the county. The amount of schools in our community determines how many teachers there are per student - effectively controlling the class size of your child’s classroom.

What kinds of jobs are available in your community.

Economic Development Agencies and Chambers of Commerce use Census data to recruit new companies and businesses to Lexington, providing much needed jobs. New business startups also look at Census data to see where in Fayette County they should locate their business to reach their ideal customer base.